Thursday, March 3, 2011

Adult RE

We have four adult RE opportunities in March, besides the opportunities  to learn from leading classes and helping with children's chapel : )

Last A People So Bold discussion series meets Sunday, March 6 in the Emerson room from 12 noon – 1:15.

A World of Health: Connecting People, Place and Planet. A six-session brown-bag lunch series that explores "good health," the connections between human health and the environment, and how we can sustain both. March 13 – April 17, 12 noon – 1 PM. If you ordered a book they're in!  If you have not ordered a book, there will be some extras available at the first meeting.

UU Parent Discussion Group! Barb Norton will run an ongoing, monthly group. We'll continue using Tending the Flame: The Art of Unitarian Universalist Parenting, as a starting point and move from there. The next meeting is Sunday, March 20, 6:30 PM @ FUSS. Childcare is available. To sign up please contact Barb at or call 377-0205.

Living the Love: Exploring a Practice-Based Unitarian Universalist Faith. Lisa Temoshok will run an experiential UU class using movement, art, deep listening and discussion. Class will meet every other Saturday for four Saturdays: March 19, April 2, 16 and 30, from 9AM -12 noon at FUSS. Sign up with Melissa at or call 387-9373.