Saturday, March 24, 2012

Religion and the Empathic Society

Video from KarmaTube

I found this 10 minutes video thought provoking and relevant to our Unitarian Universalist values.  In this stunningly visual and cohesive ten-minute video, Jeremy Rifkin defines the empathic civilization -- and suggests that if we can imagine that possibility, we can save our species and our planet. "Empathy is grounded in the acknowledgment of death and the celebration of life, and rooting for each other to flourish..."

Monday, March 19, 2012

(WE)RE Standing on the Side of Love!

It's been a busy few weeks here at First Unitarian Society Schenectady! Here are some photos from the Trevor Project discussion panel that RE partnered with Welcoming Congregation to offer.

We had over 55 youth and adults stay for the panel discussion and a really excellent panel of presenters. The Schenectady Gazette covered the earlier event with the youth too!