Education is collecting gifts, thru december 21,
for the moms and children at sojourn house. Sojourn
House is a homeless shelter for women and children, located nearby on
Union St. families stay for differing amounts of time and receive
help finding permanent housing. Many are women escaping domestic
violence and so they arrive with nothing.
Ideas for Sojourn House:
Onesies, Sleepers, Baby lotions, Baby Body Wash, Baby powder,
Teething and soft toys, sippy cups, Clothing
trucks, matchbox cars, dinosaur/animal figures, baby dolls in
strollers, blocks/building sets, play dough, crayons, coloring
books, magnetic letters, Puzzles, Books, non-toxic arts and craft
supplies, board games, craft
kits (bracelet making, mosaics etc), playing cards, things to play with during long hours sitting in a stroller waiting
comforter sets/blankets, bathrobes, slippers, body wash/lotion sets,
(no candles or anything that burns). gift cards to Price Chopper
and Walmart, children’s dvds, notepad & pen sets, alarm clocks
or regular wall clocks. Things moms spend a lot of money on: diapers
(mostly size 4 and 5), wipes, bus passes for transportation, and
snacks. Things to start up an apartment: Tupperware, pots/pans,
dish towels/cloths, shower curtain...