What is a food swap you say?
Food swaps are happening all around the country. This NY Times piece talks about it's beginnings and one person's experience. People get a ticket to participate. There is is no charge to get a ticket, but there's an optional $2 donation at the door. This is not a money-making event. It's a community- building event. It's about learning to exchange what you can make with your neighbors.
I have for a number of years watched
the movement towards sustainability and regionalization grow across
the country and in this area. I have been impressed with an online
site that started two years ago called, From
Scratch Club (FSC.) As they describe
themselves, they are about "making food matter." Their
reach is deep and broad in the Capital District and their website has
grown to become a presence in the area. Their values are values many
UU's hold dear. An article recently appeared in the Times
Union about them.
During this same time, I have sought to
create meaningful, community opportunities around sustainability here
at FUSS. For the past two years I have considered ways to create
community doing things together, like canning or making cheese
or sauerkraut. From Scratch Club seemed a perfect venue for this.
They do not have locations in Schenectady while their locations in
Saratoga and Troy have been very popular. They are
launching DIY cooking schools too! So I reached out to the FSC founder and suggested FUSS as a
possible place to host some Schenectady events.
And she agreed! So, join us in building local community, trading goods you make or grow yourself May 16, July 18 and September 19.