Beginning this January thru June, we will run an Our Whole Lives (OWL) course for fifth graders. This is an 8- week course and requires parent participation in two orientations and a signed consent form.
OWL is an age- appropriate sexual education course that considers the whole person. Our OWL programs have become an important cornerstone in our religious education programming for children. Our teachers for these classes are exceptional and dedicated. Currently we offer this program at the 4th -6th grade level and 7th-9th grade level.
My training as an OWL facilitator was one of my first UU training through FUSS. The more I watch our children go through this program and talk to parents about their experiences and their child's experiences because of this program, the more I realize how valuable this offering is. What better place to teach moral values around sexuality but our faith community?
For more info check out the UUA website at the following address: