This past Sunday's Children's Chapel was on Stewardship. If you have a child in preK - 5th grade who was there, ask them about my "stewardship bag."
We talked about how a steward is a caregiver and a helper and a person who shares. We talked about different ways we are caretakers of the earth, ourselves, each other, our church.
After our service the children made cards that we will have children and adults sign over the next two weeks and send to those in our community who are in need of our thoughts and prayers. This is how we are stewards in a caring community and practice social action with each other.
Stewardship takes place at the intersection of spirituality and ethics. We both celebrate life and accept the responsibility to love and care for the gifts of life ... As stewards we are called to invest our gifts of time, talent and treasure in our family, in our community and in our congregation and faith to which we belong.
It's a big calling. Being a Unitarian Universalist is not an easy path. It is path that demands much of us. But its rewards are great.