"Such values as we are concerned with cannot be communicated except as they are set in operation....This is why I have so often said that a faith which is so largely a faith of dynamic ethical and intellectual values should make method the heart of its curriculum." Angus MacLean, Unitarian Universalist religious educator
Friday, February 11, 2011
A People So Bold: Theological Roots, Part One
This Sunday, following Sundae Sunday, we'll begin an Adult RE discussion of Unitarian Universalist theology with respect to social justice work. We will work from the book, A People So Bold. There are copies available to purchase and we'll discus from the book beginning with the third session. The video clips are great and provacative, the book is even better.
For the first two session all you need to do is show up, watch and discuss. If you can't attend, or if you want a sneak peak, start with the You Tube link above. We'll watch and discus "Theological Roots" and "Theological Wings." In the posted You Tube videos they are broken up into parts, so you need to scroll through to click on and watch all of them. But, really, I hope you'll join Priscilla and I and our FUSS community in a powerful and important discussion about social justice work and Unitarian Universalist theology.