Thursday, February 23, 2012

Late winter happenings...

Hope this late winter-time, and for many a school-vacation break, finds you with time and space to enjoy what is most important to you! FUSS is still busy with opportunities to gather, serve, learn and grow in community.

This Sunday we have religious education classes for children and youth!

This Sunday night, February 26,  from 5-7 PM we are showing the film,  The Other Side of Immigration. This award-winning film asks why so many Mexicans leave home to work in the United States and what happens to the families and communities they leave behind. Through an approach that is both subtle and thought provoking, the film challenges audiences to imagine more creative and effective immigration policies. The film will be shown in the Great Hall and followed by a discussion. The film is free and open to everyone.

Sunday, March 11th, the Trevor Lifeguard Project is coming!  Welcoming Congregation and RE are partnering to host this workshop for youth in grades 6-12 during regular RE hours. Morning sessions for youth will be followed by a luncheon and panel discussion for youth, their parents, and interested allies in the FUSS community. There will be an opportunity to ask questions with guest professionals from the greater Capital District, including Chad Putman, Board President of Rainbow Access Initiative and local coordinator for The Trevor Project. The luncheon is free; please RSVP to Melissa by March 8th. Look for a fuller description in the March issue of Circles.

Sundae Sunday is coming!  Our annual multi-generational event, Sundae Sunday, will take place Sunday, March 18 this year. Senior youth will scoop ice cream to raise money towards their trip to New Orleans.