This Sunday marks the official beginning of Fall! Religious Education classes meet for all ages.
Children in preK/K start in their classroom, next door to the nursery.
Grades 1-5 start in Children's Chapel, located now on the second floor in Waters House. We will be talking about our Seven Principles, AKA our Promises. After children's chapel children go with adult guides to different activities. There is always an outside option so PLEASE have children dressed to go outside. Religious Education can be messy! Save your best clothes for multigenerational worship. There is also always an indoor art and library option too. This is our second Sunday with this new programming and we are still figuring it out. If you have questions, if you are interested in helping out in the different areas, see any RE council member (they are wearing bright green t shirts) or see Melissa.
Also Sunday, there is a Coming of Age orientation after worship. It will run from approximately 12 noon to NO LATER THAN, AND HOPEFULLY EARLIER THAN, 1:15 PM. There will be childcare available in the nursery. There will be pizza, salad and drinks at Waters House. Or please feel free to support Green Sanctuary's locavore meal and bring your meal to Waters House.