Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Social Action and RE

We had our first Social Action Sunday this year with grades 1-5. The children began in children's chapel where we connected Unitarian Universalism's Seven Principles to animal rescue work. The children met some of the volunteers of local Companion Animal Placement Program. They had an opportunity to make toys and cushions for the rescued animals. One of the highlights was four rescued puppies the group brought. Wisely, the puppies already had homes where they would soon be placed!

The children were excited by the toy- making project. With our new dedicated art space we decided to keep supplies available for children to make more toys during RE that we can collect and then donate.

Our next Social Action Sunday will be our Service2Service multigenerational worship on November 10. REC will again collect toiletries to make Welcome Bags for Sojourn House and Bethesda House.