Monday, March 31, 2014

Hunger 101: RE and Social Action Council

This past Sunday was Social Action Sunday for our children in grades 1-5 ; 21 children participated in a morning of worship and social action.

Children's Chapel provides an opportunity to introduce our children to some of the rituals of our Unitarian Universalist faith. This includes chalice lighting and sharing of joys and sorrows, along with singing and story telling. It is about sharing ritual and community and getting to know one another better.

Almost every children's chapel includes a story. This Sunday the children heard a Japanese & Chinese folk tale, The Difference between Heaven and Hell. This story can be found in our online UUA Tapestry of Faith curriculum here.

Using curriculum from Atlanta, Georgia's Community Food Bank, Hunger 101, we talked about food and its importance both in celebration and good health. We talked about  "food insecurity, hunger and poverty," and what those words meant. As part of a discussion about unequal distribution and redistribution of food, children experienced a creative snack activity led by Jennifer D'Arcy .

During this time of Children's Chapel children learned about CROP Walk. You can join this year's Schenectady CROP Hunger Walk. Join team: UUSS, led by Gary Feinland, Sunday, May 4th at 1:30pm at Emmanuel Friedens Church, 218 Nott Terrace, Schenectady. The walk is 5 K or 3.1 miles Register online or via paper registration.

After Children's Chapel, we worked with Robin Schnell from our UUSS Social Action Council and put together 42 bags of "friendship soup!" Robin came up with a great plan and things quickly settled into a lovely time working together on a valuable social action project.

Partnering with other councils and programs in our church and local community can help us all learn about and find more ways to participate in important social issues in our communities. And that is part of what it means to "live into our faith." It includes living into those cherished beliefs of a just community and finding ways to work towards it together.