Friday, March 14, 2014

Unitarian Universalist youth leadership development opportunities

We have a lot of wonderful opportunities for UU youth leadership development in the coming months! There is District Assembly, March 29. There is UU United Nations Office Intergenerational Spring Seminar on, "Rights of Indigenous Peoples," April 2-5. Probably the biggest event is the UUA's General Assembly (GA), held this year in Providence, RI, June 25 -29. GA has some of the best workshops, worship and music Unitarian Universalism offers. There is a youth caucus too and youth's voices are valued in the work of the UUA that takes place during GA. 

All of these events offer wonderful opportunities to meet UU youth and adults from all over the region/country and be inspired by the potential and possibilities of our faith!

The Religious Education Council wants to support youth in attending these events. REC  offers financial assistance with money from the Aninger Scholarship fund. The Aninger Application is rolling and if your child is interested should be completed ASAP. It can be found here.

There is also financial support available from the UUA. The UUA youth application for GA needs to be submitted by March 31. It is here